Monday, January 23, 2012

Whats the best flight simulator game for pc?

looking to buy one and i need advice and any links to the games you haveWhats the best flight simulator game for pc?
Your so going to hate my response to this question and I am sorry in advance for this.

But if you remember the process leading up to 911, all the terrorists who hijacked the planes took flying lessons right here in the US as well as trained themselves on computer flight simulators right in their temporary homes before the attack.

when you signed up on here, didn't post a pic, and asked about that topic, you set yourself up for people keeping an eye on your question as well as your responses.

My suggestion to you is to go to your local gaming store and asking them directly as well as looking this up on line for yourself. I am NOT accusing you of wrong doing. In fact, I am trying to protect you.

I wish you luck in your adventure.Whats the best flight simulator game for pc?
For now that will be Flight simulator X. a new version is being made called Microsoft Flight

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