Sunday, February 12, 2012

Give me a web sight that I can play flight simulator game on?

that I can prataice to fly onGive me a web sight that I can play flight simulator game on?
The best flight simulator available at this time is probably Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: Century of Flight. In December there is a new edition called Microsoft Flight Simulator X (10). It will be more advanced. These are not free online simulators.

Free online flight simulators probably wont be very accurate.Give me a web sight that I can play flight simulator game on?
Do you plan a terrorist attack??,Give me a web sight that I can play flight simulator game on?
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These are free games - not really going to help if you want to learn the true aspects of flying though
You could probably play it on I think I've seen it there. There are a whole lotta other games there too!

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